Sunday, June 28, 2009



1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?
2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?
3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?
4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?
5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

My answers:
1. I think my first week at MCL went just fine.The professors just gave an introduction and orientation about their handled course and class. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary happened at my first week, but we did have problems about our first lab and some lectures on our DAD101P. ^^;

2. Most of my professors . . . didn't introduce theirselves at our first meeting. ^^; At first, I (and most of my other classmates too) had quite a difficult time remembering our prof's names. But as the days went by, we learned about them.

So far, I really like our filipino professor - Ginoong Valenzuela. He's funny and makes the course easy and fun to learn.

(I hope the names I will mention here aren't wrong...lolBecause I don't know or I forgot most of our male professors' names -except for Ginoong Valenzuela- )

Our dad(lab) professor is Mr. Ryan. A positive trait I observed from him (we only had one meeting so far) is that when he's engaging us in an activity, he wants us to learn AND have fun with it at the same time.

Then we have our dad(lecture) professor, Mr. Orda. What I like about him is that he always seem to have a visual aid (I mean, additional pictures and facts he researched) for us to help us understand the discussion.

And then there's Mr. Ilao, our IT professor. A postitive trait about him is that he's always smiling. I think he's positive that way and he's a good teacher.

We also have our PE instructor. We haven't started any real PE activities yet, but I think he wants us not only to learn what he will teach, but to also be disciplined and know how to work with others.
Ms. Vergara, our math professor, is very nice and considerate. Even though she keeps on telling us that we should already buy our books but seeing that most of us in her class have no books, she writes what is in it (like exercises or homeworks) on the whiteboard.

Next is Ms. Desacada, our professor on humanities. A great thing about her is that, (though others may think it's not so great) she always have that interaction with us. She reviews us by holding a recitation about the last meeting's topic before starting a new one and after some discussiong, she engages us in group activities.

Then there's Ms. Mondez. At first, she was our english prof. Then she became our our prof in values. (gulo no? hehe) Anyway, I think she's wise, because she shares additional information that she learned or acquired from a personal experience. I feel as if because of that, not only do we learn some facts, we also learn something about her. And that's not so bad.^^

And finally, yesterday we met our new english prof. Mam Mabel.
She seems nice and friendly.

3. My blockmates and section. Well, my section consists of 14 or 15 students - All MMA. As far as I know, we 15 are always together in all our courses. Some courses though, other students from other programs (or even the same program as ours') are with us. But I think that in most courses, no one out of that 15 separates from us.

I already have some good friends from my section, like, all five of us girls are mostly always together. Sometimes joined by closer male friends.

I think what may be our section's strength is that, we're positive people. Though my male classmates are sometimes 'makulit', it just shows that they're happy people. ^^
Weakness, on the other hand, may be...As I observed, is that most of us...are lazy? lol Well not exactly lazy, just a little bit. Why? It's a secret...XD

4. My courses. So far, maybe because it's just the start of the classes, I find most of my courses manageable because our lessons are just basics. I hope that in the future, I will still be able to find it this way. ^^;

I think values might be easy, ^^ well because there's nothing really hard to study about it. There's no memorization, equations that needs solving or anything like that.^^;

The course I find difficult, not really difficult but I think I might have problems with is PE because I'm not really good at that activity that our instructor will give us. -_-

5. I feel some adjustments that I'm going through, but I don't feel as if I have to push my self through something or anything.

In my academics, I guess, I'm going through learning how to be independent. Because, I'm not in high school anymore, wherein every time before a class starts, everyone gathers and share the answers to one another in an assignment. I know I have to go through this, but I don't think it's pushing myself because I'm willing to mature and be independent.

As for my emotions and social environment, I don't feel that I'm going through any adjustments. I don't feel insecure, or that I need to be more confident. In fact, I feel normal and happy on what's happening in my college life right now. Occasionally, I feel only a little sad because I miss my friends from high school, but most of the times, I enjoy being with my new friends (though I'm not saying I have forgotten my old friends).

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