Saturday, July 4, 2009



1. In the first few days you've spent in MCL, how would you compare your highschool life to what you envisioned college life to be?
2. What is the importance of Values Education?


1. When I was still in high school, of course, I wanted to soon be promoted to college. I like high school, but I don't want to stay in there for the rest of my life! To be honest, I didn't really pay much attention to my college. I expected my parents to find me a good school and do all the necessary things for me to be enrolled. That was back then. When I graduated, and as the summer flew by, I realized that I know what course or program I'd want to study and where to take it.

But I was still dependent on my parents. So, the rule stating that the student, without being accompanied by a parent, will have to enroll by him/herself, came to shock and worry to me. I was afraid to do it all by myself. But I had too. And from there, I learned that that was just a small first step to my college life. I had to learn to be independent. I had to mature and be responsible.
So how was that experience connect to how I would compare my highschool life to what I envisioned my college life to be?

It's the start. I envisioned my college life to be difficult - in a challenging way. And so far, it is. To be able to pass or overcome the challenges, I have to be strong and independent for myself.

2. The importance of the course - Values Education, is the content of what it teaches. It teaches morals, virtues, ethics etc. It teaches students to be responsible and gives them the knowledge on how to be a better person for him/herself and for others.

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