Wednesday, August 19, 2009



Personal values are the desirable qualities, standards or principles which serve as persons’ driving force that influence their actions and reactions. Knowing ones values offers so many advantages. It helps us follow a clear set of rules and guidelines for our actions. It guides us in making good decisions. Through this, we can find compatible people, places and things that support our way of living. It motivates us to be true to ourselves. Living our values is one of the most powerful tools available to help us become the person we want to be, accomplish our goals, and influence others. (Best-of-time –

Just as individuals give importance to values, so do organizations and institutions like MCL. Mission, Vision and Core Values define the organizations’ culture or way of life of its members. At the core of organizational culture are values. These values shape the quality of life and structure of an organization. The organization is successful to the degree to which all the members have shared values expressed through their goals and beliefs. There has to be an alignment between ones personal values and the values of an organization he belongs to. This will help us journey on the same boat towards a common vision. (Adapted from Hall-Tonna Values Framework and Technology)

MCL encourages every Malayans to practice the value of competence, truth/wisdom, knowledge, research, problem solving, excellence, punctuality, teamwork, quality service, integrity, accountability and sense of ownership (all for one, one for all). Make these the cornerstone of your life.

Challenge yourself

After this session, for two days in school, you are going to practice/implement/actualize your top two values. You have the options to practice one or both values in a day. On your journal, write your reflections (for day one and day two) separately using the outline below. Hope you will enjoy and learn meaningfully from this challenge.

- the date/time of experience
- the values you have practiced
- the story/experience

(details: people, location, event, situations, ways the values have been practiced and the reactions of the involved people)

- your feelings during the experience
- the learning from your experience


Date: August 12, 2009

Values practiced: Friendship

My old schoolmate, Vince, is studying as a senior (still in my old high school). He sometimes call me in our landline phone, but we don't get to talk for a long time because I'm tired from school. But I value our friendship, I love him so much and I know he loves me too. So to make it up for him, I offered to help him with his problem: he's having difficulty with their requirement - their thesis defense.

I already went through that when I was a senior, and I did pretty well. So I gave him my old documents to serve as a guide to him. And until now and until his school year finish, I will still help him.

I am his friend, and I'm the one he can rely on, so I can't let him down.

My feelings through this occuring experience:
I feel really great about myself, about our friendship. I'm really happy! While I'm helping him, we're spending time together, we're also bonding. I know this will be a memorable event to us, like a great contribution to our relationship.

The learning from my experience:
Well, this is like a long-term experience, it is not done yet. But as it is in progress, little by little I'm still learning something, like, appreciation. We're still at the beggining of this project, but I feel that my friend is already appreciating the small things I've already done (like giving him my old document draft as a guide, on w/c I even wrote small notes and tips on how to make it).

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